Arse Elektronika 2013: Locations!

Folks, it is the greatest pleasure being able to announce the locations of Arse Elektronika 2013! – Chez Poulet (Thursday, October 3) – Center for Sex and Culture (Friday, October 4 / Saturday, October 5) – Noisebridge (Sunday, October 6) We are currently sorting through all info and will be posting a complete schedule and … Read more

monochrom: Spatenstiche

Der Eisenerzer Zukunftsweg: Eine utopische Spatenstich-Reise durch den öffentlichen Raum. Laufende Spatenstiche zwischen 22. und 24. August 2013 in Eisenerz, Steiermark. Vortrag am 23. August 2013 um 11 Uhr. Ein Bild, das uns mehr oder weniger täglich unsere Ohnmacht gegenüber diesem Raum vor Augen führt, ist der so genannte “Spatenstich”. Unter einem “Spatenstich” verstehen wir … Read more

Demnächst: monochrom zu Gast im denhac / Hackerspace Denver

Context Hacking: Some Examples of How to Mess with Art, the Media System, Law and the Market monochrom at denhac / Hackerspace Denver The term “context hacking” — like its older mimetic sibling “communication guerrilla” — refers to unconventional forms of communication and/or intervention in more conventional processes of communication. Context hacking is a specific … Read more

Upcoming: monochrom at denhac / Hackerspace Denver

Context Hacking: Some Examples of How to Mess with Art, the Media System, Law and the Market monochrom at denhac / Hackerspace Denver The term “context hacking” — like its older mimetic sibling “communication guerrilla” — refers to unconventional forms of communication and/or intervention in more conventional processes of communication. Context hacking is a specific … Read more

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