Zardoz is pleased: monochroms Johannes Grenzfurthner und Cha präsentieren jemanden, der einfach nur nach Hause telefonieren will

It’s actually pretty easy: a) The penis is evil. b) Don’t destroy the Vortex. c) Phone home. But our little friend had to learn his lesson the hard way. Is there more to say? Hi-resolution reproduction of original oil painting from 2015. Created by Johannes Grenzfurthner (of monochrom) and Cha Johannes Grenzfurthner: Cha (contact): … Read more

Zardoz is pleased: monochrom’s Johannes Grenzfurthner and Cha present someone who just wants to phone home

It’s actually pretty easy: a) The penis is evil. b) Don’t destroy the Vortex. c) Phone home. But our little friend had to learn his lesson the hard way. Is there more to say? Hi-resolution reproduction of original oil painting from 2015. Created by Johannes Grenzfurthner (of monochrom) and Cha Johannes Grenzfurthner: Cha (contact): … Read more

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