Our favorite sock puppets Kiki and Bubu have some feelings, so they sign
up for an online dating site. When the People of China want to become
their friend, they are excited. However, sending the People of China a
video of themselves proves to be difficult: Their content gets flagged
as inappropriate and taken down from YouTube. On the long quest for
knowledge which follows, Kiki and Bubu learn all about Internet
censorship. And love.

Kommt doch zur Welt-Premiere des Kiki-und-Bubu-Epos (50 Minutens!)!
monochroms Johannes Grenzfurthner wird das gute Stück präsentieren und etwas rumschwallen. Yada, yada!
29. März 2011, 21 Uhr im Crashspace LA, 10526 Venice Blvd, Culver City CA 90232.