Screwing the System at Arse Elektronika 2011

Great write-up by Kitty Stryker.

As much as I consider myself a geek, I am pretty isolated generally from
the geeky ‘verse. A lot of my friends are certainly dorky/nerdy/geeky,
in a multitude of ways, but we’re usually meeting at altsex or Burner
spaces, not hacker ones! I guess I’m a little intimidated by the
techspeak, which I’m not a native speaker of.

Well, this last weekend was spent surrounded by smart sexy geeks at Arse Elektronika, a sex, tech, class and culture conference thrown by monochrom
that goes on every year in San Francisco. I had two talks to give, one
called “TLC: Sex Work, Disability, and Stigma”, and one with Maggie Mayhem
called “Pervertables: A Hands-on Workshop in Being a DIY Deviant”. I
didn’t get to see all the rest of the talks as my spoons were kind of
few and far between this weekend, but I wanted to at least give a bit of
a writeup of what I did!


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