“Dogs Playing D&D”: Medienfeedback!

Johannes/Heathers Gemälde “Dogs Playing D&D” macht die Digitalmedienrunde! Wohoo! Boing Boing, Laughing Squid, io9, Geek Dad, Tor, CNET, Topless Robot, Dogster, etc.

“Hey, Dog’s Playing Poker, you’re great and all, but Dogs Playing Dungeons and Dragons is the best dog painting in the history of all dog paintings. The end.” (Meredith Woerner, io9)

“The must-have piece of art for every geek’s game room.” (Geek Dad)

“Why would you ever play poker when D&D is an option? We really
appreciate the detail here, from the bottle of Mountain Dew to the
scantily clad warrior astride a majestic unicorn… you can practically
smell the Cheetos.” (Tor)

“Man’s best friend gets in on the elf-bonding action in this awesome
art tribute to dogs, dice and D&D.” (Bonnie Burton, CNET)

“The clutter and atmosphere are really true to the gaming experience, and I’d never thought before about the similarities between poker and RPGs as social bonding experiences.” (Chris Hall. Dogster)

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