Ablinger Franz
Ask a philosopher: ‘Which came first: The chicken or the egg?’
Which came first: The chicken or the egg? This is a factual, rather than a philosophical question. However, it is a legitimate task for philosophy to analyse the conditions under which it would be correct to say that the chicken came first, as well as the conditions under which it would be correct to say … Read more
Masterful 70-minute video review on why "Star Wars I: The Phantom Menace" sucks
Hell yeah! Chances are you probably didn’t like Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace. You might be a Star Wars fan, or at least a fan of the original trilogy. After waiting in line for hours, days, weeks, you may have even written a mini 200-400 word review on an internet message board … Read more
Science, Media and Hype: God Particles Breeding Like Bosons
Not Even Wrong reports: Science news in the media today is full of stories about Fermilab finding no less than five Higgs particles: God Particles Breeding Like Bosons, The ‘God Particle’ may exist in five forms, Large Hadron Collider’s rival project finds, US experiment hints at ‘multiple God particles’, Fermilab Experiment Hints at Multiple Higgs … Read more
Jungle World über österreichischen Humor — und monochrom und den ‘DJ Randomizer’
In Österreich ist nicht alles besser, der Humor aber schon. Sonja Eismann über Realsatire und alternative Satire im österreichischen Fernsehen. Aber auch Projekte auf der Grenzlinie zwischen Kunst und Wissenschaft, wie das Nerd-Prankster-Kollektiv Monochrom, reitet der Schalk. 2002 ließen sie mit viel Getöse Georg Paul Thomann an der Kunstbiennale São Paulo für Österreich teilnehmen – Thomann … Read more
Time to Pay the Piper: The Accumulation of Debts in Patriarchal Capitalism
In 2001, Wilma Dunaway wrote that the “tentacles of the world-system are entwined around the bodies of women.” Yet her literary analysis revealed a profound silence about the role of women in reproductive labor, subsistence households, and commodity chain analysis. Dunaway characterized this omission as, “the greatest intellectual and political blunder” in her field. Nearly … Read more