Arse Elektronika 2015: TICKETS!
And here we go… get your tickets! Link
arse elektronika, the conference on sex and technology.
And here we go… get your tickets! Link
Nerdverts! Finally, the schedule for Arse Elektronika 2015 is online! ENJOY! Link
Arse Elektronika San Francisco 2015 SHOOT YOUR WORKLOAD SEX, WORK AND TECH. October 2-4, 2015 in San Francisco, USA. * How can we change work structures in the sex tech field. Is DIY really so revolutionary, or are we just tinkering around with our misery? * Work and labor struggle and exploitation in sex tech. What … Read more
Finally we have dates! October 2-4, 2015 at the the Center for Sex and Culture in San Francisco! Cheers!
A little lecture performance by Johannes Grenzfurthner / monochrom, as part of Paolo Pedercini’s class at CMU. We may not forget that mankind is a sexual and tool-using species. From the depiction of a vulva in a cave painting to the newest internet porno, technology and sexuality have always been closely linked. New technologies are … Read more
Venus of Willendorf — our all-time favorite paleolithic goddess — is turning the fertility game on its lubed head. This is gonna be fun! Hi-resolution reproduction of original drawing from 2015. Created by Johannes Grenzfurthner (of monochrom) and Jenny Marx Link to products (posters, mugs, shirts, pillows, whatever)
Hey brainpervs! We took some time and edited and uploaded all the available recordings of Arse Elektronika talks and presentions. They can be found on the “Schedule” pages (on the front page for 2014, and in the archive section for all AEs 2007-2013). Just click on MP3! Enjoy!
Issue #4 (2014) of German magazine “Business Punk” features statements by Arse Elektronika curator Johannes Grenzfurthner. (Click to enlarge)
Mattie Brice wrote a great piece about Arse Elektronika 2014. This past weekend, I went to the annual sex and tech conference in San Francisco, Arse Elektronika. This was actually the first conference I spoke at back in 2012 when it was specifically about play and games, and I got to come again this year … Read more