info (english)
monochrom is an art-technology-philosophy group having its seat in Vienna and Zeta Draconis. monochrom is an unpeculiar mixture of proto-aesthetic fringe work, pop attitude, subcultural science, context hacking and political activism. Our mission is conducted everywhere, but first and foremost in culture-archeological digs into the seats (and pockets) of ideology and entertainment. monochrom has existed in this (and almost every other) form since 1993.
monochrom’s Hackbus Community Kickstarter at Mozilla Drumbeat Festival
monochrom is organizing a community site for the evergrowing armada of hackbusses. We need a root movement of doing strange things with hardware which was not intended (aka “hacking”) because only when we use things in ways other than they were planned can something new arise. Hackbusses (or mobile hacklabs or hack vehicles) are a … Read more
monochrom #26-34: Release festivities in Berlin, Germany
== monochrom #26-34: Ye Olde Self-Referentiality == == Release reading/party at HBC, Berlin == == Featuring Special Guest Andreas “Krach” Stoiber == == November 13, 2010, 9 PM == The phatzine monochrom #26-34 (Goat of 1k Young) is an impossibility in an impossible universe — an unpeculiar mixture of proto-aesthetic fringe work, pop attitude, subcultural … Read more
monochrom’s SCULPTURE MOBS Training Camps @ Mozilla Drumbeat Festival Barcelona
Counter culture? Art? Your average guy does not go to exhibitions, concerts nor does he get in touch with art and counter culture media. Counter culture and the art world are niche places. And even if people would go there they would consider what happens there to be ‘just art’. Art is the place where … Read more
Is Genome’s Shape as Important as Its Content?
If there is one thing that recent advances in genomics have revealed, it is that our genes are interrelated, “chattering” to each other across separate chromosomes and vast stretches of DNA. According to researchers at The Wistar Institute, many of these complex associations may be explained in part by the three-dimensional structure of the entire … Read more
Is Cambodia Making Its Killing Fields Into a Theme Park?
The Cambodian government plans to develop this sun-baked, mine-riddled frontier town into a theme park devoted to the Khmer Rouge … The planned park is of a piece with Cambodia’s larger effort to capitalize on the atrocities of its past – and to tap into a booming global industry in travel to macabre destinations, known … Read more