monochrom’s ISS 2011 / Episode 1 / First images
Images by (Lorenz Seidler) Link to photo set Link to ISS project page
Images by (Lorenz Seidler) Link to photo set Link to ISS project page
Images by (Lorenz Seidler) Link to photo set
Our favorite sock puppets Kiki and Bubu have some feelings, so they sign up for an online dating site. When the People of China want to become their friend, they are excited. However, sending the People of China a video of themselves proves to be difficult: Their content gets flagged as inappropriate and taken down … Read more
Our favorite sock puppets Kiki and Bubu have some feelings, so they sign up for an online dating site. When the People of China want to become their friend, they are excited. However, sending the People of China a video of themselves proves to be difficult: Their content gets flagged as inappropriate and taken down … Read more
Ein Telefon-Interview, wurde abgetippt. Da sind denen aber ein paar Falschschreibungen reingerutscht (Carl Sagan! John Brunner!) und manches ist wohl falsch verstanden worden… etwa wurde aus “melancholic” einfach “alcoholic”… aber das ist ja irgendwie verwandt. From his humble beginnings making ‘zines in his room in rural Austria, Johannes Grenzfurthner has in his 36 years of … Read more
Transcription of a phone interview with Johannes. A couple of things got misspelled (Carl Sagan! John Brunner!) or misheard… we especially like the replacement of “melancholic” with “alcoholic”… ha! From his humble beginnings making ‘zines in his room in rural Austria, Johannes Grenzfurthner has in his 36 years of existence managed to snub Google, Coca … Read more
Aber es ist nie zu spät, nicht? Em 2001, o grupo de arte monochrom, fundado em 1993 e baseado em Viena, foi convidado pela curadora Zdenka Badovinac para representar a Áustria na 25ª Bienal de São Paulo, que aconteceria no ano seguinte. Conhecidos por serem politicamente de esquerda, os integrantes do monochrom estavam bem descontentes … Read more
But, you know, it’s never too late. Em 2001, o grupo de arte monochrom, fundado em 1993 e baseado em Viena, foi convidado pela curadora Zdenka Badovinac para representar a Áustria na 25ª Bienal de São Paulo, que aconteceria no ano seguinte. Conhecidos por serem politicamente de esquerda, os integrantes do monochrom estavam bem descontentes … Read more