Simulacrum Fisticuffs: Interview mit dem Grenzfurthner’schen

Ein Telefon-Interview, wurde abgetippt. Da sind denen aber ein paar Falschschreibungen reingerutscht (Carl Sagan! John Brunner!) und manches ist wohl falsch verstanden worden… etwa wurde aus “melancholic” einfach “alcoholic”… aber das ist ja irgendwie verwandt.

From his humble beginnings making ‘zines in his room in rural
Austria, Johannes Grenzfurthner has in his 36 years of existence
managed to snub Google, Coca Cola and China. The Unholy Trinity. Via the
unusual pit stops of cyberpunk, Guy Debord, copyright laws and fake
assholes he has managed to distribute his unique pearls of sandbox
anarchy to these generally rather unforgiving modern superpowers and get
away unscathed. He has eaten black pudding made from his own blood and
runs an annual sex and tech conference called Arse Elektronika. But what
he and his group monochrom are best at is creating local in-jokes and
using technology to make them grow exponentially into global fuck yous.
And he manages to smile while he does it.


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