Skug bespricht ‘Glossary of Broken Dreams’

Christoph Benkeser hat eine wunderbare Rezi von Glossary of Broken Dreams für SKUG geschrieben! Gleich zu Beginn die gute Nachricht: Johanns Grenzfurthner hat wieder einen Film gemacht! Nachdem der selbsterkorene Lumpennerd vor zwei Jahren mit »Traceroute« einen grandiosen Abriss seines Lebens präsentierte, gibt es nun neuen Stoff aus dem Hause monochrom. »Glossary of Broken Dreams« heißt … Read more

Die erste monocon

We are starting a new project, monocon. Four days of hanging out, discussions, workshops, amusement and destruction, with/by/for monochrom and its friends.Are there better ways to spend time in the Austrian countryside? Definitely not. It will be June 28-July 1 at Schloss Hotel Zeillern, a lovely and very affordable hotel and former castle in Lower … Read more

First monocon!

We are starting a new project, monocon. Four days of hanging out, discussions, workshops, amusement and destruction, with/by/for monochrom and its friends.Are there better ways to spend time in the Austrian countryside? Definitely not. It will be June 28-July 1 at Schloss Hotel Zeillern, a lovely and very affordable hotel and former castle in Lower … Read more

Film Threat bespricht ‘Glossary of Broken Dreams’

Bradley Gibson hat ein cooles Review von Glossary of Broken Dreams für Film Threat geschrieben! Working with a $10K USD budget, Johannes assembles a dizzying patchwork of rapid-fire occasionally seizure-inducing images and words to illuminate the dangers of capitalism, it’s historic rise out of oligarchical tendencies, and to re-introduce the virtues of Marxism all set … Read more

Film Threat reviews ‘Glossary of Broken Dreams’

Bradley Gibson wrote a great review of Glossary of Broken Dreams for Film Threat! Working with a $10K USD budget, Johannes assembles a dizzying patchwork of rapid-fire occasionally seizure-inducing images and words to illuminate the dangers of capitalism, it’s historic rise out of oligarchical tendencies, and to re-introduce the virtues of Marxism all set to … Read more

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