monochroms Wiener Zombiebrut
es gibt immer einen patient zero. manchmal auch zwei, drei oder vier. es kann sogar sein, dass sich die ur-zombies an einem bestimmten ort treffen. sich gegenseitig mit blut besudeln, sich wunden beibringen und dann irgendwann in den urbanen raum losbrechen. zombies bewegen sich meist auf einem bestimmten pfad. dieser pfad mag beinahe geplant wirken, … Read more
CarnalNation empfiehlt Arse Elektronika 2010
Much-loved sexpert, activist and troublemaker Susie Bright will be giving the keynote speech Thursday September 30 at this year’s Arse Elektronika in San Francisco. Arse Elektronika is the ever-more-popular Monochrom conference that explores the intersection of sex and technology, and this year’s looks like the most intriguing and engaging yet. Bright’s speech will open the … Read more
CarnalNation recommends Arse Elektronika 2010
Much-loved sexpert, activist and troublemaker Susie Bright will be giving the keynote speech Thursday September 30 at this year’s Arse Elektronika in San Francisco. Arse Elektronika is the ever-more-popular Monochrom conference that explores the intersection of sex and technology, and this year’s looks like the most intriguing and engaging yet. Bright’s speech will open the … Read more
CarnalNation recommends Arse Elektronika 2010
Much-loved sexpert, activist and troublemaker Susie Bright will be giving the keynote speech Thursday September 30 at this year’s Arse Elektronika in San Francisco. Arse Elektronika is the ever-more-popular Monochrom conference that explores the intersection of sex and technology, and this year’s looks like the most intriguing and engaging yet. Bright’s speech will open the … Read more