Jack Sargeant empfiehlt monochrom #26-34

Mr. Sargeant hat ein nettes kleines Review von monochrom #26-34 gepostet… An epic at some 500 pages long, the weight and length of this volume is like a fucking telephone book. Do you remember journals / ‘zines’ such as Vague or Semiotext(e)? This has the feel of publications like that. And amongst many other pieces, … Read more

Expert Scientific Testimony in Courts: The Ideal and Illusion of value-free science

The field of law, as a consumer of scientific knowledge, should be of particular interest to those who study science and argue about the role of values in scientific work. In agencies and legislatures (and in administrative and committee hearings), science is used to produce or support policy decisions; “scientific” conclusions about risk or harm, … Read more

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