Haitian Peasants March against Monsanto Company for Food and Seed Sovereignty

On June 4th about ten thousand Haitian peasants marched to protest U.S.-based Monsanto Company’s ‘deadly gift’ of seed to the government of Haiti. The seven-kilometer march from Papaye to Hinche—in a rural area on the central plateau—was organized by several Haitian farmers’ organizations that are proposing a development model based on food and seed sovereignty … Read more

What work is really worth

The UK budget, and the next five years of government policy, means to persuade, or force, the workless into work. A new study examines the value of work, not to a company or organisation, but to society as a whole. Imagine for a moment we asked a crucial, and crucially different, economic question – not … Read more

Verbing Nouns (Such as ‘Verb’)

What do these words and phrases have in common? Friend, Google, TiVo, log in, contact, barbecue, unlike, concept, text, Photoshop, leverage, party, Xerox, reference, architect, parent, improv, transition, diligence, host, chair, gift, heart, impact? They’ve all been declared–by someone, somewhere, whether a usage expert or just a self-appointed language cop–“not verbs.” It doesn’t matter whether … Read more

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