Mental Floss rezensiert Traceroute

Chris Higgins von Mental Floss hat Traceroute besprochen… und stolz bin ich! So here’s the thing: This is a documentary nominally about “nerd culture,” but it’s actually good. As many nerds have noticed, there’s a glut of nerd-positive documentaries out there, but they tend to be either too self-serious, or too focused on the trappings … Read more

Mental Floss reviews Traceroute

Chris Higgins at Mental Floss reviewed Traceroute… and I could be more proud. So here’s the thing: This is a documentary nominally about “nerd culture,” but it’s actually good. As many nerds have noticed, there’s a glut of nerd-positive documentaries out there, but they tend to be either too self-serious, or too focused on the … Read more Traceroute @ Dok.fest München

Schau, schau! Das Dok.fest München geht in diesem Jahr mit 151 Filmen aus 46 Ländern an den Start. Darunter sind mehr als 20 Weltpremieren. Mit dabei sind auch Filme aus Österreich, etwa Ruth Beckermanns “Die Geträumten”, Andreas Horvaths “Helmut Berger, Actor”, Johannes Grenzfurthners “Traceroute” und Nikolaus Geyrhalters “Homo Sapiens”. Link

UK Films: Rezension von Traceroute

9/10. Fuck yeah. Some of the places, subjects and people are bizarre, some insightful and some politically and socially challenging, but always fun. That is the brilliance of Traceroute. It’s a social commentary delivered from a totaly new angle and with real flair. Johannes is always opinionated, but always open with a real sense of … Read more

UK Films review of Traceroute

9/10. Fuck yeah. Some of the places, subjects and people are bizarre, some insightful and some politically and socially challenging, but always fun. That is the brilliance of Traceroute. It’s a social commentary delivered from a totaly new angle and with real flair. Johannes is always opinionated, but always open with a real sense of … Read more

Richard Propes (The Independent Critic) rezensiert Traceroute

Richard Propes (The Independent Critic) hat eine feine Review von Traceroute geschrieben… fast ein Liebesbrief! If you’re expecting nothing more than your usual nerd doc with its cosplay cuteness and asocial gamers, you’re going to be not just disappointed but probably traumatized. Grenzfurthner is clearly full-on willing to challenge culture, stereotypes, accepted thoughts and just … Read more

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