“Dogs Playing D&D”: Medienfeedback!

Johannes/Heathers Gemälde “Dogs Playing D&D” macht die Digitalmedienrunde! Wohoo! Boing Boing, Laughing Squid, io9, Geek Dad, Tor, CNET, Topless Robot, Dogster, etc. “Hey, Dog’s Playing Poker, you’re great and all, but Dogs Playing Dungeons and Dragons is the best dog painting in the history of all dog paintings. The end.” (Meredith Woerner, io9) “The must-have … Read more

“Dogs Playing D&D”: Media feedback!

Our painting “Dogs Playing D&D” got featured on many a blog! Wohoo! Boing Boing, Laughing Squid, io9, Geek Dad, Tor, CNET, Topless Robot, Dogster, etc. “Hey, Dog’s Playing Poker, you’re great and all, but Dogs Playing Dungeons and Dragons is the best dog painting in the history of all dog paintings. The end.” (Meredith Woerner, … Read more

Whitney Deatherage: Unsere neue monochrom-Artist-in-Residence @ Museumsquartier Vienna

Unsere neue Artist-in-Residence ist da! Whitney Deatherage! Whitney is an artist, curator, fundraiser, and event organizer based in San Francisco. Her main interests are urban gaming, community building, civic infrastructure, performance art, and robotics. Whitney has a degree in Public Art and Museum Studies from California State University at Monterey Bay. She designed a permanent … Read more

Whitney Deatherage: New monochrom artist in residence @ Museumsquartier Vienna

Our new artist in residence arrived! Whitney Deatherage! Whitney is an artist, curator, fundraiser, and event organizer based in San Francisco. Her main interests are urban gaming, community building, civic infrastructure, performance art, and robotics. Whitney has a degree in Public Art and Museum Studies from California State University at Monterey Bay. She designed a … Read more

“Dogs Playing D&D”: Rollenspielverhundungen von Johannes Grenzfurthner (monochrom) und Heather Kelley

Poker? Meh! Billards? Bah! Tabletop RPG? YESSS! It’s about time the notorious gaming dogs got something relevant to play. Watch closely as they roll dice, check stats, and of course, eat snacks! Did we mention they love Vallejo? Hi-resolution reproduction of original oil painting. Created by Johannes Grenzfurthner (monochrom) with Heather Kelley Johannes Grenzfurthner: http://www.grenzfurthner.com … Read more

“Dogs Playing D&D”: monochrom’s Johannes Grenzfurthner and Heather Kelley team up for tabletop canineness

Poker? Meh! Billards? Bah! Tabletop RPG? YESSS! It’s about time the notorious gaming dogs got something relevant to play. Watch closely as they roll dice, check stats, and of course, eat snacks! Did we mention they love Vallejo? Hi-resolution reproduction of original oil painting. Created by Johannes Grenzfurthner (monochrom) with Heather Kelley Johannes Grenzfurthner: http://www.grenzfurthner.com … Read more

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