Johannes Grenzfurthner about sex and tech in NEON

Interview with Arse Elektronika curator Johannes Grenzfurthner in NEON. German language. Im Film »Her« verliebt sich die Hauptfigur, gespielt von Joaquin Phoenix, in ein Computersystem. Technik und Erotik – wie gut passt das in der Realität zusammen? Sehr gut, sagt Johannes Grenzfurthner. Der 38-jährige Künstler aus Österreich ist der Kurator der jährlichen Sex-und-Technik–Konferenz »Arse Elektronika«. … Read more

Die Gstettensaga: Review auf Noisebridge

Yeah. Well, you expect high weirdness from a writer-director like Johannes Grenzfurthner, who fronts monochrom and is known for the freakiest shenanigans and the most thorough academic theories – and you get a lovin’ spoonful of all of it delivered through this production. Decades after the disastrous “Google Wars,” a shady media tycoon (with a … Read more

Die Gstettensaga: Review on Noisebridge

Yeah. Well, you expect high weirdness from a writer-director like Johannes Grenzfurthner, who fronts monochrom and is known for the freakiest shenanigans and the most thorough academic theories – and you get a lovin’ spoonful of all of it delivered through this production. Decades after the disastrous “Google Wars,” a shady media tycoon (with a … Read more

Gstettensaga auf Laughing Squid

Oh yes. Die Gstettensaga: The Rise of Echsenfriedl is a feature length sci fi comedy set in a post apocalyptic future in which the world has been devastated by the “Google Wars.” The film is the first feature length production from Austrian art and technology group Monochrom. It was directed by Johannes Grenzfurthner. Mehr hier … Read more

Gstettensaga featured on Laughing Squid

Oh yes. Die Gstettensaga: The Rise of Echsenfriedl is a feature length sci fi comedy set in a post apocalyptic future in which the world has been devastated by the “Google Wars.” The film is the first feature length production from Austrian art and technology group Monochrom. It was directed by Johannes Grenzfurthner. More here … Read more

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