Third World design for First World problems.

Dx1W is calling artists, designers, tinkerers, makers, and thinkers born in and living right now in a Developing Country (as defined by the IMF) to design solutions for four main First World problems.

Developing into what, exactly?

Developing countries are on their way toward development, and we assume that’s a great thing. But let’s stop to consider for a minute whether developed countries are something we want the rest of the world to turn into. Are peo­ple in developed countries happier or healthier? Do they live a better life? Do they have a better understanding of nature and live in a better equilibrium with the environment? Do they live in peace?

This is where the competition starts. I’m calling artists, designers, tinkerers, makers, and thinkers born in and living right now in a Developing Country (as defined by the IMF) to design solutions for four main First World problems: obesity, low birth rate and aging population, integration of immigrants and consumerism.

  • Reduc­ing obesity.
  • Address­ing aging pop­u­la­tion and low birth rate.
  • Reduc­ing con­sump­tion rate of mass pro­duced goods.
  • Inte­grat­ing the immigrant population.

We want to rec­og­nize the impor­tance of trans­fers and exchanges between cul­tures through implicit or explicit dia­logue that under­lines how cul­tures and civ­i­liza­tions are inter­linked and con­tribute to the progress of humankind. The First World needs our ideas to solve their prob­lems. First World prob­lems demand Sim­ple Third World solutions. From today on The Third World will bring ideas to redesign the future of the First World.

Link (Contest)

Link (Fundraising)

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