As someone who was a child during the end of the Soviet Era, the following news items cause minor cognitive dissonance:

1) The Russian guided missile warship Varyag is docking in San Francisco this week on a friendly tour coinciding with a visit from the Russian President. At the same time there are three Japanese warships visiting, which doesn’t phase me but probably would have irked my granddad.
Link to SF Gate Article or Amusing Commentary from Gun Nuts who seem to really hate San Francisco.
2) This morning on Twitter, @WhiteHouse writes:
Welcome to @twitter President Medvedev! RT @KremlinRussia_E: Hello everyone! I’m on Twitter, and this is my first tweet. This is followed by a somewhat redundant retweet by @BarackObama
3) Medvedev twitters a photo of himself touring the Twitter HQ
I would have added the following hashtag: #recursive
4) MGM Studios is releasing a Remake “Red Dawn”, the 1984 Soviet invasion flick featuring a young Patrick Swayze defending American soil from commie takeover. Only this time the invaders are Chinese. Film Critic Bruce Watson writes: “Given middle America’s deep well of anger with both Wall Street and
Washington, it isn’t that hard to imagine a scenario in which some
people on ‘Main Street’ would embrace the avenging hand of a Chinese
Link to DailyFinance Article