Arse Elektronika 2011 / Call for Submissions: ‘SCREW THE SYSTEM: Sex, technology, class, and culture’

Arse Elektronika 2011 (San Francisco) SCREW THE SYSTEM: Sex, technology, class, and culture Call for papers, performances and machines. Deadline: 28 February 2011 The remarkable diversity of human behavior across cultures and classes also extends to sex and technology.  Most discussions in this area tend to make certain assumptions about the culture, class, and race … Read more

Reminder! DISMALWARE in Berlin! A deep scan by monochrom and Telekommunisten!

monochrom and Telekommunisten initiate a scanning routine, looking beyond the hype of digital progress and focusing directly at the critical problems surrounding the increasingly pervasive use of technology. Beyond the gloss of the latest iJunk, is a world of poisoned children, lethal mines, toxic sweatshops and the construction of the most sophisticated surveillance apparatus any … Read more

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