monochrom @ The Civilians: “Let Me Ascertain You: F*cking & Dying”

monochrom was interviewed about the “Six Feet Under Club” and is now part of this wonderful theatre performance: Anyone familiar with our work knows that we’re are a bit obsessed with sex and death. This one-night event will explore what happens when those fixations collide. Drawing inspiration from their past investigations into the porn industry, … Read more

monochrom @ The Civilians: “Let Me Ascertain You: F*cking & Dying”

monochrom wurde über den “Six Feet Under Club” interviewt und ist nun Teil dieser wunderbaren Theaterproduktion: >>Anyone familiar with our work knows that we’re are a bit obsessed with sex and death. This one-night event will explore what happens when those fixations collide. Drawing inspiration from their past investigations into the porn industry, sexual deviancy, … Read more

RIP, Hansruedi!

1993. Johannes Grenzfurthner, 18 Jahre alt, interviewt HR Giger in seinem Heim in Zürich für eine Ausgabe von monochrom. Schönes Detail: Weil HR Giger nicht besonders froh war wie im Zuge von “Alien^3” mit ihm umgegangen wurde, klebte er einen Plastikschwanz mit Superkleber an seinen Oscar… davon gibts leider kein Foto. RIP, Hansruedi. Link

V. Vale (RE/Search) über “Die Gstettensaga”

Wunderbar kleiner Exkurs übers DIY-Filmemachen inklusive Rezension der “Gstettensaga” von V. Vale. Leaving beautiful black humor behind is perhaps the most lasting form of immortality (think Buster Keaton, Luis Bunuel, Nelly Kaplan (“A Very Curious Girl”), and films like Mad Max 2, La Jetee, the Seven Voyages of Sinbad, certain Twilight Zone episodes, etc. AT … Read more

Jason Scott/Textfiles rezensiert “Die Gstettensaga”

Jason Scott hat der “Die Gsettensaga: The Rise of Echsenfriedl” ein gutes Urteil ausgestellt! GSTETTENSAGA is the best kind of low-budget filmmaking: science-fiction collides with mythology and political satire, and a landscape both gray and filled with colorful personalities. The characters each have their own agenda, their own wishes, and find themselves at odds with … Read more

Jason Scott/Textfiles reviews “Die Gstettensaga”

Jason Scott gave “Die Gsettensaga: The Rise of Echsenfriedl” a great review. Yeah! GSTETTENSAGA is the best kind of low-budget filmmaking: science-fiction collides with mythology and political satire, and a landscape both gray and filled with colorful personalities. The characters each have their own agenda, their own wishes, and find themselves at odds with almost … Read more

Johannes Grenzfurthner: Keynote auf der Media Convention Berlin

Innovation through Porn Von den tausende Jahre alten Höhlenzeichnungen einer Vulva bis zum neuesten Online-Porno-Spiel, Technologie und Sexualität waren schon immer eng miteinander verbunden. Niemand kann vorhersagen was die Zukunft bringen wird, aber der bisherige Lauf der Geschichte legt nahe, dass Sex auch in Zukunft eine essentielle Rolle in der technologischen Entwicklung spielen wird — … Read more

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