Arse Elektronika: Sex, Technologie und die Zukunft der Menschheit

Von den tausende Jahre alten Höhlenzeichnungen einer Vulva bis zum neuesten Porno-Live-Stream, Technologie und Sexualität waren schon immer eng miteinander verbunden. Niemand kann vorhersagen was die Zukunft bringen wird, aber der bisherige Lauf der Geschichte legt nahe, dass Sex auch in Zukunft eine essentielle Rolle in der technologischen Entwicklung spielen wird — und dass Technologien … Read more

Laughing Squid reports: “Video Series Documents the History of Austrian Art & Tech Group monochrom”

“23 Works” is a video series that documents the history of Austrian art and technology group monochrom. The series covers 23 projects, anecdotes, and tales from 20 years of monochrom. Highlights include the monochrom origin story and “Laughing Squirt,” the ribald tale of the first Arse Elektronika sex and tech conference. The videos were shot … Read more

Laughing Squid berichtet: “Video Series Documents the History of Austrian Art & Tech Group monochrom”

“23 Works” is a video series that documents the history of Austrian art and technology group monochrom. The series covers 23 projects, anecdotes, and tales from 20 years of monochrom. Highlights include the monochrom origin story and “Laughing Squirt,” the ribald tale of the first Arse Elektronika sex and tech conference. The videos were shot … Read more

monochrom’s ISS in “23 WORKS”

“23 WORKS” is a video series documenting the history of the art/tech group monochrom. monochrom has chosen 23 projects, anecdotes and stories out of their 20 years of material and recreated them as dioramas and machines. The group presented these objects at their exhibition “Die waren früher auch mal besser/They used to be better (monochrom … Read more

Categories ISS

monochrom: 23 WORKS — Number 23: “ISS”

“23 WORKS” is a video series documenting the history of the art/tech group monochrom. monochrom has chosen 23 projects, anecdotes and stories out of their 20 years of material and recreated them as dioramas and machines. The group presented these objects at their exhibition “Die waren früher auch mal besser/They used to be better (monochrom … Read more

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