Our actors Jeff Ricketts (Star Trek: Enterprise, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly, CSI), Maciej Salamon (Barbarella, Tanz der Vampire, Sweeney Todd), Claire Tudela (Carmen, The Producers), Geoff Pinfield (Aoterroroa, Lovepuke) will portray the crew of the International Space Station — but first they need some serious astronaut coaching.
Space experts Norbert Frischauf (OEWF) and Maria Pflug-Hofmayr (Der Orion) will join us for a public Q&A session about living and working in orbit. Want to be part of this unique event? Please join the training at Raum D (Quartier 21, Museumsquartier, Vienna) on February 25 and 26, 7 thru 9 PM.

Our experts:
Norbert Frischauf has studied Technical Physics at the Technical University in Vienna (Austria). After having spent some years at CERN, his professional career led him to the European Science and Technology Centre (ESTEC) of the European Space Agency (ESA), where he worked as future studies systems engineer and expert for emerging technologies. From 1999 to 2006, Norbert consulted on aerospace, telecoms and hi-tech for Booz Allen Hamilton.
Norbert now works as a scientific officer at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre, in the Institute for Energy. He is a leading member in various associations (like the OEWF) and is active as a science communicator, making science documentaries for the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation and writing popular science articles in various magazines.Maria Pflug-Hofmayr is journalist, graphic designer, documentarian and PR consultant. She was chief editor of “Star Observer,” and founded “Der Orion,” the internet platform dealing with spaceflight and astronomy. Maria is the producer of “SuperNova,” a regular Austrian TV show on space subjects.